
It’s so gratifying when I see my clients get results.

It’s validation – living proof that this stuff (exercise, clean eating) works as long as you’re willing to commit to it and persevere through the “pain”.

It’s also a big middle finger to all the haters – those people who think that real people can’t  change their bodies. That unless you can afford a private chef and a personal trainer everyday, it can’t be done.

Well, the two women below are living proof that it can be done. Neither one of them has a private chef or a personal trainer. They just put in the hard work, whether it’s getting up before the crack of dawn for boot camp or dragging themselves to a kettlebell class after a long workday or saying no to the nacho chili cheese chips. They get “it” and because they do, they get results.

So – props, big ups, much respect and praise to two of the frankly, many, women who get it – Pam Handfield and Alicia Kopp.

Pam has lost 77lbs so far!

Pam has lost 77 pounds so far!

Pam started doing Pilates with Performance Fitness in 2009, but her real “ah ha” moment and the start of her body transformation was last spring when she joined the Your Best Body Challenge (YBBC). The YBBC introduced Pam to boot camp workouts and she became a Saturday boot camp regular. She had her first kettlebell experience this fall at boot camp and she was hooked. She’s been doing our Thursday night kettlebell class ever since.

Pam is a kettlebell dynamo. She’s got beautiful form with the bell, and a “don’t quit” attitude. She may not be the first one done a workout but she doesn’t let that stop her or get her down. She always finishes strong.

Since last spring’s YBBC Pam has lost 77 pounds, 10 of them over the last 3 weeks during the End of Winter Clean Up nutrition program. Pam rocks!

Alicia 3/2011 - Showing off her guns!

Alicia 3/2011 – Showing off her guns!

Alicia is one of my favorite people in the world! Not only does she dedicate herself to her fitness goals (OK, sometimes she does sleep through 6 a.m. boot camp, and I heard that she had pancakes at Cracker Barrel on Sunday) but she’s a vibrant, kind and generous woman. I’m blessed to know her.

Back in July, Alicia was featured in the blog as one of the winners for our YBBC. She decreased her body fat by 13% during the challenge and was given the award for Best Body Transformation.

What I admire about Alicia is that even though she achieved her goals she didn’t become stagnant. She continues challenging herself – a triathlon in June, a half marathon in November and the End of Winter Clean Up in February/March (her least favorite challenge, I can tell you). She added one more challenge this winter by including kettlebells and yoga in her routine. She looks amazing (look at those guns!)! She too, rocks!