Mike Budzyn, Havertown PA

For about 10 years I have been slowly getting less active and gaining pound after pound while saying I was going to do different workouts and never following through because I would lose interest when I saw no results.

MikeSidePlank-2Performance Fitness Boot Camp provides me with an early morning class that fit into my schedule perfectly, it has boosted my energy levels and has provided me results along with a daily sense of accomplishment.   Michelle puts together a fresh, high intensity workout that tests my resolve and determination with every class. She has created a supportive and encouraging workout environment along with the great group of my fellow boot campers that has pushed me to work harder than I have in any previous individual workout routines I was ever able to do on my own.

In just the 16 weeks that I have been in the program I have lost over 25 pounds (10% of my body weight) and I am only 10 lbs away from my target weight of 190 lbs.

Mike B. - after losing over 25 pounds

Mike B. – after losing over 25 pounds

Boot Camp is now part of my regular schedule and it is the formal workout routine that my previous fitness attempts were missing.  The class is a refreshing and enjoyable change to my daily routine and has done great things for my life beyond the workouts and the physical results.  Before starting boot camp I would get winded doing light activity and now I can run miles at a time, take bike rides with my family and I have just registered for the Tough Mudder Event in the fall to provide further urgency and motivation in my daily workout routines.